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We’re living in an increasingly connected world. Geopolitical relations are at the corner of everything, and things are starting to heat up in 2019. There are a lot of opportunities to seize upon this year, and there are a lot of trends that threaten advancement. It’s important to stay in the loop.

Here are the top five trends affecting international relations in 2019.


Worldwide Economic Growth Slowing Down

A number of government and private-sector economists are forecasting a slowdown in markets across the globe in 2019. Organizations like the International Monetary Fund and OECD are citing a trend for trade protectionism and instability in emerging markets as major factors. The world will see slower trade, increasing debt, and a tightening of resources.


U.S. – China Dispute Will Have Ripple Effects

The ongoing U.S.- China dispute has already caused problems worldwide, and it only seems to be heating up. On one hand, China seeks to become a major player in the global markets. On the other, the United States is looking to hold onto its position as top dog. Neither side seems interested in compromise right now. What’s important to note here is that this fight isn’t going anywhere. Markets around the world will start backing their favorite.


High-stakes Elections

Elections in India, Nigeria, Argentina, Ukraine, and Indonesia will happen in 2019. In Europe at large, Brexit seeks to create serious economic ripples. The EU Commission will update and the European Central Bank will be electing its new president by the end of the year. Canada and Australia will hold elections, and newly-elected regimes in Brazil and Mexico will begin in earnest.


5G Will Change Everything

The race for 5G has been going on for some time. It’s not a competition just between countries, though. Major telecom companies are all trying to get there first. Whoever gets there first can expect a major economic windfall, and the increased speeds will obviously have an impact on things like technological advancement, information technology, and artificial intelligence.


The U.S. Government’s Division Will Slow Trump’s Agenda

It’s certainly no secret that the democratically-controlled House of Representatives in the United States is looking to slow President Trump’s agenda wherever possible. This could impact not only domestic issues but also international trade negotiations. Congress will likely do what it can to interrupt any Trump attempts in foreign policy, global security, and trade. And this will go well into 2020.


There you have it! The top five trends to watch out for in international relations in 2019. It’s already shaping up to an interesting year. The last half will surely be entertaining if nothing else. Stay informed and make sure you’re in the know. These days, what happens around the world affects you right at home.